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Selected Works

red and blue pills rotating with trigrams
Eight 84 Generative Code Art
Abstraction of the Mind 8 Still Frame
The throne sits in a marble white room. Homage to Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven, Morton Livingston Schamberg & Duchamp.
Scanning the Scanner Series Side Eye
The Prophesy - green symbols forming on a black background that look like an alien language
The Prophesy from Home Collection
The SAGE Anomaly #51
Apollyon one of the Knights Of The Apocalypse. The artist expressed the image of our reality in 2016 - 2021, living as witness of a dark period of history full of signs of an apocalypse, by combining human faces, crucifix and the faces of clocks. Five Knights Of The Apocalypse reminds the human race that time is short.
Knights Of The Apocalypse Apollyon
WANT Oscilloscope from ION collection
Fountain Art Remix Project
The SAGE Anomaly saga
4 4 grid of circles with triangles and rectangles
Color Magic Planets #78
Bard's Freaky Faces Series
Bard’s Freaky Faces Series
8 - Generative Code Art Luck Fortune Fate
8 – Generative Code Art Luck Fortune Fate

Images of the faces of trump all mixed up and glitched using ai
There is Nothing Wrong by Bård Ionson

There is Nothing Wrong

The artists rendering of the Presidential Portrait for 2017- 2021, in the classic early NFT CryptoArt animated gif and GAN style.
The artists rendering of the Presidential Portrait for 2017- 2021, in the classic early NFT CryptoArt animated gif and GAN style.

Presidential Portrait 2017 – 2021

golden gas mask eyes with grid structure on a blue gold flecked background
A Time To Reject (gas masks)

A Time To Reject

a brown virus like shape with green gem eyes on a light blue background
Life has been found on Venus. This work commemorates the event with an artistic image of what the life might look like. It could be a light absorbing bacteria that emits phosphine.

Alien Life Of Venus


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