Presidential Portrait 2017 – 2021
Digital AI

The artists NFT rendering of the Donald Trump Presidential Portrait for 2017 – 2021, in the classic early NFT CryptoArt animated gif and GAN style. Created using DCGAN from Soumith Chintala and forked by Robbie Barrat. Glitched versions available on Hic Et Nunc and Mintbase
md5 checksum: 5f374a6ed38a8dc0957666749d346244
Generated from a machine learning model of 20,000 images of news footage using Art-DCGAN (RobbIe Barrat) & his portrait model.
Sold as an NFT on SuperRare
digital art with Ai Tools
768 × 768 Px 2021
Artist notes:
I used this same training material for Stark Naked Fraud and There Is Nothing Wrong. About 20,000 images of Trump were retrained into a model of historical portrait paintings at 128 x 128 px. Robbie Barrat provided the original model by posting it on Github he created with all of the portraits from Stark Naked was Trump merged with historic nude paintings but this one is Trump merged with historical portraits.
In this work I am reflecting back on the years of 2016 to 2020. The years my art was fueled by confusion, anger and the need to let steam off on every single day. The Trump circus in the White House has ended. Now it is time for the Presidential Portrait. But how does that sum up the chaos of those years. This animated gif is my interpretation and feelings on what the presidential portrait should look like. What is real and what is fake? Is this the president we chose or were we manipulated by fakery?
I found this series of images in my archives created while experimenting with art-DCGAN and trying to make a latent space walk with it. It is 12 images that I enhanced, enlarged and created a gif out of. I wanted it to look like my early work of 2018 like Burning Off The Dross which came from this same model.
Technical: art-dcgan a project forked from DCGAN.torch by Soumith Chintala I trained my own model training it by feeding it 20,000 images of trump. The original size of the images is 128 x 128 px and the output of the model was the same size. I enlarged with Gigapixels. I also generated three variants of the art called melting glitch. They were produced by running the gif through SoX a program that converted the images to sound and then back to a gif file.
This Presidential Portrait will appear in Outside Forces 2021 at Art Enables in Washington DC in September 2021

Other art pieces from the Trump / Portrait Model
Collector Bonus Material
open until purchase
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