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Imagine Today

Shanghai China

July 20 – August 20 2024

MUD Gallery and EXPANDED.ART are proud to present the international group exhibition IMAGINE TODAY, 2024 at the gallery in Shanghai, on the occasion of the exhibition THE PATH TO THE PRESENT, 1954-2024 and the GENERATIVE ART SUMMIT (by Foundation Herbert W. Franke). Curated by Anika Meier, the exhibition showcases 12 artists who are working with AI today, imagining stories and exploring AI’s creative potential.

Roope Rainisto reflects on human memory and our relationship with technology, while Niceaunties from Singapore, with their endearing aunties rescuing orangutans, raise awareness about deforestation and its impact on wildlife. The American conceptual artist Phillip Toledano travels back in time to the 1940s to remind us of the uncertainty of the world we live in, while Sasha Katz recalls her last holidays as a 4-year-old child with her unhappily married parents, an experience that taught her to understand love and loneliness.

The British pioneer of generative art, William Latham, showcases his latest video created with his iconic Mutator AI Evolutionary system, while the German AI pioneer Mario Klingemann unveils an early experiment with custom-trained models and coupling them in feedback loops. In NAKED FLAMES, Bard Ionson combines fire, an ancient technology that transformed human existence, with the concept of the nude symbolizing human frailty and the need for self-preservation.

John F Simon, Jr‘s SUPERNORMALIZED SKETCHES mark his initial foray into machine hallucinations; the artist trained a model on his daily drawings from the past 25 years. Jennifer & Kevin McCoy juxtapose established media processes like photography and collage with rapidly advancing AI technology in their PHASE DIAGRAMS, reflecting the AI’s interpretation of the natural world in the uncanny valley of distant memory.

Anne Spalter delves into the enigmatic and whimsical, inviting viewers to explore intricate layers of value creation, while the artist duo Crosslucid reflect on the unexpected ways consumer-level generative AI models interpret images.

IMAGINE TODAY, 2024 embarks on a journey through the digital landscapes of tomorrow, crafted by the visionary minds of today’s AI artists.

Niceaunties, Mario Klingemann, William Latham, Crosslucid, Roope Rainisto, Jennifer & Kevin McCoy, Anne Spalter, Bard Ionson, John F Simon, Jr, Phillip Toledano, Sasha Katz, Shi Zheng

Life Of Fire watch on Vimeo

Naked Flames Series: Fire Entity Matrix

The Path To The Present

Expanded Art

July 2 to September 7 2024

Exhibition of 20 artworks of NAKED FLAMES

On view will be, among others, plotter drawings, generative photography, sculptures, and NFTs from about 30 international artists, such as Jennifer & Kevin McCoy, who invented NFTs in 2014, and Herbert W. Franke, who was one of the most influential artists working in the field of art and technology from the 1950s onwards. As early as 1957, Franke proved in his book entitled ART AND CONSTRUCTION that technology “opens up undreamed-of new artistic territory.”

Franke and generations of artists have consistently explored new territory with analytical methods and the assistance of machines for over 70 years, looking into the future of digital art until they arrived in the metaverse.

Herbert W. Franke, Gottfried Jäger, Hein Gravenhorst, William Latham, Jason Salavon, Heinrich Heidersberger, Hans Dehlinger, Lee Mullican, Betha Sarasin, Patrick Lichty, Jennifer & Kevin McCoy, John F Simon Jr., Operator, Crosslucid, LoVid, Boris Eldagsen, Roope Rainisto, aurèce vettier, Geoff Davis, Bard Ionson, Peter Burr, Travess Smalley, Agoston Nagy, Far, Olivier Bodini, Patrick Tresset, Anne Spalter, Marcel Schwittlick, Mia Forrest, Vikki Bardot, Margaret Murphy, Harto, Sasha Katz, Helio Santos, Reva Fan, Wubbushi, and Jurgen Ostarhild.

Alphabets Alive!

July 18 2023 – January 24 2024

Oxford University’s Weston Library

Alphabets Alive! by Books on Books

Battledore will be displayed and donated into the library’s collection at the end of the exhibition. Read a full synopsis of the work by curator Robert Bolick.

This will be the first NFT in the library’s collection.

For The Culture

ArtPoint at NFT Factory Paris July 5 – 8 2023

For The Culture Exhibited at NFT Factory Paris

FOR THE CULTURE, a collaborative exhibition between Punk6529, Artpoint and the NFT Factory.

This vibrant and buzzing exhibition is a celebration of the strength of the Web3 community, with all its inside jokes, specific terminologies, and—of course—memes. We invite you to get lost in our universe, a feast for the eyes and a sensory explosion, where creativity reigns free and Web3 internet subculture marries perfectly with fine digital art. This variegated and diverse exhibition is above all an example of the magic that can be made when artists, gallerists and collectors work together hand-in-hand to further a new age of the internet and art market—all with a common mission. All FOR THE CULTURE.

We’re All Gonna…

NFT Art Prize 2023

Arab Bank Switzerland

Non Fungible Conference Lisbon June 2023

Exhibited at Non Fungible Conference in Lisbon Portugal on 7th and 8th of June 2023

This is artificial intelligence art composed from the ideas and words of the artist which an Ai model generated three images and then edited by the hand of the artist.
Future Is Where East & West Touch

McDo Meme

NFT Factory Paris

May 24-27, 2023 

The “Bull Market” is dead … long live the Bear Market !

Indeed, the current crypto market is slow, very slow. Since April 23, 2023, the main marketplaces of NFT, such as, have recorded historically low transaction volumes. And it’s hard to say how long it will last…
This affects the crypto art market and endangers many artists, who are preparing to face difficult times. A joke circulates in the community: if everything collapses, we will end up working at McDonalds… The symbol of this joke is a strong acronym, “NGMI” ( Not Gonna Make It, it will not do it ), opposite “WGMI” ( We Gonna Make It, we will get there ).

With 40200ug, 4everKuriou, Aloha Leila, Aloner One, Anne Horel, Anthony Sims, Bård Ionson, basseado, Berkanas, booyasan, cecinestpasleo, Dorkholm, Dream sabotage, FelixFelixfelix, Ferris Bullish, gammapm, Guillaume Cornet, hAyDiRoKeT, hOrOmOx, JessyJeanne, JOHN HAMON, KappaSage, La Delmas, Mamadou Sow, Systaime, moxarra gonzalez, mr-monk, museumcryptoart.tez, Ndeye Fana Gueye, Oddiewoody, Flexiplay, Popeye, Princess Tuti, Rath, ROBNESS, RouPin, staRpauSe, Stellabelle, The Myth, Titou.tez, Touky333, treeskulltown, Verylowrisk, WOX 

Tomato McMeme

100% created by artificial intelligence – or not

NFT Factory Paris

March 2 2023 – March 25 2023

The recent democratization of creation aid tools using artificial intelligence leads to fascinating debates on the definition of art and artistic approach, on the relationship between humans and the machine and on the right to literary and artistic property. This exhibition illustrates these different debates and shows how artists take ownership of this new tool to express their art.

La Trahison de l’IA (The Treachery of Ai)

Ce n’est pas l’artiste. Pas la voix. Ceci n’est pas une pipe. L’artiste a-t-il créé? Est-ce de l’art?

This is not the artist. Not the voice. This is not a pipe. Did the artist create? Is it art?

Description and technique.

The NFTs are invading Beaubourg

NFT Factory Paris

April 5 2023

NFT CryptoArt was acquired by Centre Pompidou France’s premier museum of modern art. The official name was “The NFTs are invading Beaubourg

As part of this acquisition the Pompidou move the art pieces into a wallet, which allowed an opportunity to “donate” more art into the collection (or at least the wallet). Dan Polko a collector of Deep Fake Max (Artificial Artist) by Bård sent it into the wallet, which made it part of the unofficial Pompidou collection.

On April 5th the NFT Factory held a special showing and event to commemorate the hack. It was covered by the French press.

Bottom Center is “Deep Fake Max (Artificial Artist)

Metal57 –

January 2023 – Paris

Exhibition of Ethangelist, The Prophesy, WANT, NEED


IHAM Gallery MoCA Collection

January 20 -28 2023

Benoit Couty & Thuy-Tien Vo

Bard’s Freaky Faces Sally’s Surprise
The Color of Crypto

Ça sent le Crypto-Sapin Paris NFT Factory

“Ça sent le sapin”, meaning the end is close, so why not have some fun together?

Reference to the French expression “ça sent le sapin” (“smells like pine”), which refers to
pinewood used to make coffins, the smell of fresh cut pinewood announcing preparation or a
wave of deaths

December 15 2022 – January 15 2023

The Dance

NFT Factory

Cyrus –

November 2022 – Paris

Display of The Artificial Intelligence Spawns, Pacific Vineyards, SAGE Anomaly Under North Bay

Pacific Vineyards

Historic NFT Fest

The Past Of The Future

October 2022 – Barcelona

The HNFTFest 2022 Memento is an immersive virtual recreation of the retrospective curated by Eleonora Brizi, featuring significant early artworks from 2011-2019. It was created to commemorate the first HNFTFest, which took place in Barcelona, Spain in October 2022.

Multiple pieces were highlighted including the first NFT CryptoArt Short Story SAGE Anomaly

Representation of the Entity

DYOR, Kunsthalle Zürich, 2022

November 27 – December 12

A Slice Of The Pie by Sebastian Schmieg and Silvio Lorusso

Freaky Faces presented on top of their installation.


November 11 – November 13

Hosted at the Web3 Gallery

The Presidio Exhibition

Underground at The Presidio San Francisco

July, August 2022

A guerrilla exhibition was held on the Volta charging stations. Featuring WANT, Abstraction of Mind and 8. It was a fabulous 30 day show that the remaining non-remote workers of Disney’s Lucas Films and Industrial Light and Magic, Binance and Hims and Hers workers got to see as they parked in the underground garage

TechCrunch Disrupt 2022

VR Art Exhibited at TechCrunch San Francisco

The Entity’s Latent Space Craft, Morning Coffee Before I Drink It, ETH White, ETH 2 Purple

Morning Coffee Before I Drink It

Press Release

Crypto Art Begins Book

October 18 2022

For the first time, a prestigious publishing project enters the world of WEB3, with ONE OF THE BIGGEST DROP EVER on NIFTY GATEWAY, featuring 50 among the best Crypto Artists

I am one of the artists featured in this unique art book.

Crypto Art Begins Physical Book

NFT Show Europe 2022

Exhibition in Valencia, Spain September 17 – 18 Abstraction of the Mind 8

Valencia NFT Europe
Abstraction of the Mind 8

Vienna Contemporary Art Fair 2022

Exhibition in Vienna “Squeeze” collaboration with Oleksiy Sai

September 8 – 11 2022


Next World Forum 2022

Exhibition in Riyadh “Abstraction of Mind 4” curated by Museum of Crypto Art and 0x4rt

A gallery wall of five digital screens with my abstract video artwork of bugs and fighter jets called abstraction of the mind 4
Abstraction of Mind on Far Right

Brussels Projection 2022

Artcrush Brussels “The Prophesy” projection

Icons of CryptoArt Dubai

The HODL Frame of North Bay Canada

March 8 – 13, 2022

Exhibition Video

Press Release

The HODL Frame of North Bay Canada

NFT Factory Paris

July 18 2022

NFT Factory

Trash Art – Two Knights of the Apocalypse

U’R,L IRL Gallery

Museum of Crypto Art of NY

Exhibition in Denver IRL Gallery

September 3rd to 24th, 2021

Representation of The Entity V.4 a line drawing of an alien figure in green with a star in their eye. Created using oscilloscope images and a GAN Ai model
Representation of The Entity V.4

Outside Forces

Art Enables Gallery

Washington DC

Art Enables’ 15th annual exhibition of work by self-taught artists
September 11 – October 23, 2021

Press Release and Gallery

The artists rendering of the Presidential Portrait for 2017- 2021, in the classic early NFT CryptoArt animated gif and GAN style.
The artists rendering of the Presidential Portrait for 2017- 2021, in the classic early NFT CryptoArt animated gif and GAN style.

The Other Art Fair

Brooklyn MoCA 2021

Convergence Aa by Lawrence Lee and Bard Ionson

Upper Right Convergence Aa by Lawrence Lee and Bard Ionson

Share the Light

by Matt Kane

as part of his Sotheby’s auction

There is Nothing Wrong

Mint Gold Dust Genesis Eight

November 2022

Curated by Elenora Brizi

Featured at the event was a presentation of Mint Gold Dust’s inaugural NFT exhibition, Genesis 8. For the Genesis 8 series, curator Eleonora Brizi asked 8 artists to express what Gold Dust is for them through the filter of their artistic vision, style, and techniques. The collection features exclusive works from Hackatao, Bard Ionson, Giant Swan, Gisel Florez, and more.

Abstract Art in the Age of New Media

MOCDA Museum of Contemporary Digital Art

Press Release

February- May 2021

Life Is Green, Alien Life Of Venus

A multidisciplinary team headed by two UCL researchers has been awarded a research grant from the British Academy, to unravel the psychology of how people view and remember artworks in a gallery. The collaboration between cognitive psychologists, cultural and digital sector professionals takes place in the context of an online shift for art collections worldwide.

Green lines like those in leafs form a grid with gold paint like blobs are arranged in the grid
Life Is Green
a brown virus like shape with green gem eyes on a light blue background
Alien Life of Venus

Private Group Exhibition 2021

Color Magic Planets #51-4

Digital Art Month NYC

Three Little Gods

Augmented Reality Exhibition on the streets of New York City in October 2020

Art For Space 2020

Museum Of Contemporary Digital Art

λίμνη Στύγα Lake of Styx

λίμνη Στύγα Lake of Styx

Outside Forces 2020

Washington DC at Art Enables

Close Our Eyes

Private Group Exhibition 2020


Faces In The Cloud

Only The Wise See

Hacking the Tower

February 2020

EthDenver Projection Mapping

Custom art piece for the D&F Tower in Denver selected by Jessica Angel

Decentralized Culture Lost

Virgen del Crypto Exhibit 2020

Curated by Virgen Del Crypto

Space Cross & Structural Jesus

Attended by Vitalik Buterin

Structural Jesus

CADAF 2020

Contemporary and Digital Art Fair

Global Reality, Artificial Artist (Deep Fake Max), Dreams of Internet Dweller Seven, Latent Spacecraft, The Artificial Intelligence Spawns, SAGE Anomaly Redux, Welcome To Earth, Artificial Intelligence Triality, Maximum TV Ratings

Virtual Rare Art Festival 2020

Press Release

CADAF Miami 2019

December 5 – 8

Fascinated with the space between the physical sensory, electronic and spiritual worlds and the distortions that happen upon passing between them. This is captured in artificial intelligence and the oscilloscope. The art is often infused with hidden layers of meaning and multiple dimensional backstories. He has exhibited internationally in Tolmezzo, Italy, Manchester UK, Brooklyn NYC, a solo show in Manassas called “ARTificial” & MoCA the Museum of Crypto Art among other places in virtual reality. His unique niche is artificial intelligence art and oscilloscope art.

  • Dreams of the Entity
  • The Entity
  • Entity Watches
  • Wreckage Of The Entity’s Latent Spacecraft On The Banks Of Lake Moraine
  • Neural Network Mind Warp
  • SAGE Anomaly Redux
  • SAGE Anomaly Under North Bay

Rare Art Festival NYC 2019

  • The HODL Frame
  • Air-Coin-Airdrop

International Digital Art Fest iDAF 2019


Nudes At The Beach

Nudes at the Beach

MLCON 2019

Second exhibition of ARTificial

Machine Learning Conference Chantilly Virginia

ElectroRent Working Together

September 2019

Ampersand Hotel London Solo Exhibition

See Artist Concept on Vimeo

Working Together

ARTificial Solo Show

June 2019 Manassas Virginia

An exhibition of artificial intelligence art, augmented reality art and cryptocurrency / blockchain art.
The New Digital Art

Bull Run Library Bard Ionson art is hanging on the wall
Bull Run Library NFT Art Exhibition
Burning off the Dross image of a king in military uniform burning in a glitch of Ai
Burning Off the Dross

Fight Fear 2018

One of the first NFT art exhibitions in Italy and the world curated and hosted by Hackatao

Big Net of Dreams was exhibited and purchased by Hackatao

November 2018 – February 2019

L’immaginario Hackatao in un’esposizione che sublima il passaggio dal piano fisico a quello digitale della Cryptoart.
“Di fronte all’avanzata galoppante dell’omologazione che spiana tutto, gli Hackatao rivendicano la loro individualità. E vogliono la distruzione del Moloch, del Leviatano. Sono dei veri ribelli: non a caso si definiscono hacker del tao, cioè scardinatori dell’universo”
. Così ha definito l’ambasciatore Umberto Vattani il dittico artistico formato da Sergio Scalet e Nadia Squarci, alla presentazione della loro personale al Circolo del Ministero degli Affari Esteri. 

Private Group Exhibition 2017

Hand Scan

Private Group Exhibition 2016



Private Group Exhibition 2014

The Technologist

July – August 2014


The Edicurial Collection

Bård Ionson’s ‘Global Reality’ is an immersive experience in film. By utilizing virtual reality software techniques to distort a scene from the movie ‘Independence Day’ through AI, Ionson conveys his unifying and global message through hypnotic visuals. This artwork abstracts notions of ‘money, power and technology,’ that – for better or for worse – conceived of it, and instead focuses on purifying our collective senses to love.