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This is one of the best artificial intelligence art pieces I have produced. I am considering learning how to paint this toilet.
The throne sits in a marble white room. An homage to Elsa von Freytag -Loringhoven, Morton Livingston Schamberg, and Marcel Duchamp. (A toilet)

It is made from an AI model I trained on toilets. Inspired by the sculptures called God and Fountain I created this model and hand selected this toilet.
Fountain Inspired by God

With Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning GAN models the entire model could be thought of as the entire artwork. It has billions of images inside of it composed of mathematical formulas. The Fountain model is trained by the artist who has spent time curating 2,700 images of toilets. Bård then generated thousands of images looking for the ones worthy of display. Sometimes they were mixed with other models at the generation phase. Like a Frankenstein monster they were merged with gas masks, clocks and crucifix. The Fountain Collection contains the resulting output. The models stand ready to generate more.
Why toliets? The artist was inspired by the story of the artwork called Fountain. The piece is not really much to see, ugly in fact. It is the idea and the people behind it that are of interest. The unending argument over what is art and who is allowed to make it.
It has been theorized that the real artist behind Fountain, the R. Mutt urinal by Marcel Duchamp was really conceived of by Elsa von Freytag-Loinghoven. She collaborated on another conceptual artwork however called God. It was created the same year as Fountain 1917. In her honor 99% of the toilets in the Fountain Collection are of the type used by men and women. They are also split between sitting and squat toilets. This is all in the name of inclusivity both by gender and the “eastern” and “western” parts of the world.
Because all creatures defecate and only one species invented the toilet and all those pipes.
God By Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven & Morton Livingston Schamberg – TgGFztK3lZWxdg at Google Cultural Institute, zoom level maximum, Public Domain,
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