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Bård Ionson Remix License 1.0

December 25, 2020 originally created for the Fountain collection ready for remixing read more about it at the Fountain Project.

Short Version
(If you wish to retain this license in the remixed art add this short license text and url to this page to the artwork description.)
Be excellent to each other. Give as you have been given to.
Share original non-commercially unaltered with attribution; Modify with attribution & commercialize. Share alike is encouraged by applying this license making the remix art the new original; repeat.
Complete license at:
tip artist: bardionson.eth

1. Share option
1a. Share artwork non commercially without modification
2a. Attribute to Bård Ionson with title and url to original image
3a. Do NOT use for harm (war, disinformation, exploitation, etc.)

2. Remix option
1b. Remix with significant changes (meaning, context, color, major crop, meme, addition etc.)
2b. Optional, attach the remix license to art description
3b.  Attribute to artwork url (at least original & last) and if it fits Bård Ionson and/or remix artist, titles in description and or metadata.
4b. optional – announce release on social media (@bardionson)
5b. Do not use for harm (war, disinformation, exploitation,, etc.)
6b. Sell the remixed artwork anywhere. (The remixed artwork is only commercialized by remix artist.)
7b. Recommended  to pay artists(s) in someway based on your valuation
8b. Next artist repeat if item 3b is used

Full Version
Be excellent to each other. Give as you have been given to.
Experimental Remix Art license for remixing the “Fountain” artwork series by Bård Ionson. Feel free to tip artist at bardionson.eth.
Share original non-commercially unaltered with attribution; Modify with attribution & commercialize. Share alike is encouraged by applying this license making the remix art the new original; repeat.

1. Definitions:
Remix – the original image modified into a new work of art via remix, build upon, edit, collage, meme or other techniques. Placing the original artwork into a larger film is included in this definition of a remix.

Remix artist – the artist that is modifying the original Fountain artwork. This can be performed by a remix, alteration, meme or collage.

Tipping / Donation / Pay as you like – Use your best judgement, if your remix sells for very little don’t waste transaction fees to pay the artist. Pay them with marketing, a social media post or blog. Wait until you sell many artwork / NFT and pay in a lump sum. Buy some of the artists art work. Pay it forward.

Attribution – means that Bård Ionson and the url to original artwork and others in the remix are listed as many as fit. If possible list artists names and art titles in the remix chain. If the list is long just list the original and the last artwork copied from. Publicly communicate your remix to @bardionson on Twitter & Instagram or other social media.

Significant changes – means that the remix artist has changed more than just enlargement or reduction in size or changing a few pixels. The changes must add new or alter meaning or context. Cropping portions is allowed.

2. Share option
1a. Share artwork non commercially without modification
2a. Attribute to Bård Ionson with title and url to original image
3a. Do NOT use for harm (war, disinformation, exploitation, etc.)

3. Remix option
1b. Remix with significant changes (meaning, context, color, major crop, meme, addition etc.)
2b. Optional, attach the remix license to art description
3b. Attribute to artwork url (at least original & last) and if it fits Bård Ionson and/or remix artist, titles in description and or metadata.
4b. announce release on social media cc @bardionson
5b. Do not use for harm (war, disinformation, exploitation,, etc.)
6b. Sell the remixed artwork anywhere. (The remixed artwork is only commercialized by remix artist.)
7b. Recommended to pay artists(s) based on your valuation
8b. Next artist repeat if item 3b is used

4. Details
The original Fountain artworks are available without modification to share anywhere with attribution for NON-commercial purposes. Inform artist if the art is reproduced in a non-commercial academic or scientific study or class material.

Artists who remix the original artwork is allowed to tokenize and/or sell it for commercial purposes on any platform or channel with attributions.

A remix version can contain as many Fountain artworks as the remix artist wants but the artist and links to each Fountain artwork must be noted.

5. Remix License Share Alike Option
Remix artists have the option to include this Remix license with the remixed artwork. The remix version can only be used for commercial purposes by the remix artist. The remix product becomes the new original for terms of this license.
Optimally there would be a chain of linkages showing the pedigree of all artwork remixes from the parent to all the children and grandchildren. 
But there are situations where the original Fountain art is such a small piece of the whole new artwork that share alike is not economically possible. Donations based on value of remixed work to the original and remix artists is suggested.

5. Video art in the Fountain Collection
The art videos in the Fountain collection can be used as individual frames or animation in a larger artwork.

6. AI/ML/Generative Recreations
If the Fountain artworks are used in a machine learning or artificial intelligence image generation system the model must be tagged with attribution. The output from the model must be attributed and a link provided to the catalog of Fountain artwork. It is not necessary to list each artwork used in the model creation. The output and resulting model can be used for commercial purposes.

7. Other Restrictions
Artwork and remixes will not be used for purposes that are harmful to the environment or any sentient lifeforms. It may not be used for war, disinformation or psychological manipulation. Contact the artist for sharing the original for commercial purposes for permission. Inform artist if the art is reproduced in a non-commercial academic or scientific study or class material.

Bård Ionson retains commercial rights over the original version of the art. The remix artist over the derivatives will retain commercial rights over their variation according to the license they retain and restrictions above.

Be excellent to each other. Give as you have been given to.