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Fountain Large Format Polaroid

Fountain #405 from a collection of 501 Ai art pieces made with GAN. It was made by training on thousands of images of toilets
Fountain #405 Ai art large format Polaroid

I have converted an Ai image back into an analog form. In 1976 Edwin Land created the 20×24 inch Polaroid camera and allowed artists to use it for free in exchange for some of their prints from the camera. Andy Warhol used a camera like this.

Bill Ray, Andy Warhol double portrait,1980. Courtesy of Bill Ray.

I have taken my Ai art and turned it back into this giant format with the collaboration of SuperSense.

This signed original is available for purchase with the original NFT and an NFT copy of this print.

The color is quite muted because of the age of the film but it still looks amazing.

Fountain #405 from a collection of 501 Ai art pieces made with GAN. It was made by training on thousands of images of toilets
Fountain #405 from a collection of 501 Ai art pieces made with a GAN